Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Weight Is Over

I'm going to blog today! I'm not going to read everyone else’s blog and get discouraged because I can't be as creative as them. I'm going to write whatever I'm feeling at the moment. Random and sporadic as it may be.

I'm going to start with mine and Eric's and Jeff's recent weight loss. Back in April I challenged Jeff to lose 50 lbs before Prom. I knew he could do it. He's a young strong healthy man. I told him to just cut out the sweets and pop and eat in moderation.

Jeff Before

And he did, the pounds started melting away! Soon after he started and got into the swing of it he was only hungry for one meal a day. And that’s how he lost his weight and met my challenge.
Jeff Later

He became very energetic, riding his bike everywhere and working out when he could. He looks amazing!
Jeff Now!


Eric and I decided once and for all that we were going to get healthy too. What a crazy journey it’s been. Jeff made it seem so easy that I was encouraged by him. But it didn't take long to realize it was going to take much more effort than just cutting back on sweets. We had to adhere to a strict diet and exercise everyday to achieve results. I struggled with hunger constantly! Finally I made an appointment with my doctor and she helped a lot. She said I most likely have an ulcer and had me take Prilosec O.T.C. and she encouraged us to take vitamin B12. The Prilosec helped calm my stomach gnawing and the B12 gave us energy. It was getting a little easier but still very difficult to be strong and have the will power to resist tempting forbidden foods.

Forbidden Forever

We pray daily for help and walk a couple miles a day. We use a food list from a diet called "Prism" that we used once before. Mostly consists of natural foods, no carbs or sweets. 

Well it’s been 7 months. We’ve both lost approximately 75 pounds. We're on a break for now. Till after the holidays. We’ve allowed ourselves to gain 5 lbs back but have promised each other no more than that. We ate at the Golden Corral the other day and stuffed ourselves into sickness. It scares me to think that after all this time of eating good and making wise food choices that we would still eat like that. It's very discouraging to know that this addiction will never leave us. It's truly just like smoking or alcoholism or drugs. And it's just as harmful! I'm a diabetic and Eric has high blood pressure, if we let ourselves go again it could kill us. One would think that's enough to scare away all bad food forever but believe me it's not that easy! It's a constant inner argument! I'm always making deals with myself and analyzing every morsel of food. It gets so old!

But on the up side, the compliments of how good we look are the best encouragement ever! It took two months of dieting to get noticed at first, but then it must have really started to show because everyone told us how good we were looking. Jarah told me a quote that helped a lot. "Nothing tastes as good as feeling skinny" or something to that affect anyway. I try to say that to myself with every temptation. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. The one thing that everyone said at first was "I really see it in your face". That makes me laugh because it's like, “What? My face got smaller but not the rest of me? I must look really odd!"

The best thing that keeps us going is how much healthier we feel. I would go into the whole 'romantic' part of it but it would mortify my kids.

They hate when I talk about bedroom stuff so I will spare them. So on the other side; I don't have the diabetic headaches anymore. No more high blood sugar readings. No neuropathy in my feet, no more restless leg syndrome, no I.B.S., No more lethargy at the end of the day. No more low blood sugar crankiness. It's really amazing how much better I feel! Eric feels better too. He has more energy and can walk farther without being out of breath.

I worry about my kids having the same issues with food as we do. I wish I had been better about teaching good food choices and serving better meals. I wish I didn't make biscuits and gravy every Sunday morning or cookies every day after school. I thought I was being a loving a mom but if only.....

Can't go backwards, only press forward. I'm trying to teach Jed and Justin good food choices now. I need to be stronger though and keep in mind all the good benefits of saying NO to devil food!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


We've been incredibly blessed with our children! My oldest one is turning 30 next month. I can't believe how fast it goes by. And out of those nine kids we've only had a few hospital runs and very little sickness. I look back and it amazes me how blessed we've been. Our guardian angel works over time for us. And she was there with Jeff just a few days ago. The kids were off from school for Presidents day so Jeff was hanging out with some friends. He had gone pig hunting earlier in the morning but they didn't see anything and decided to come home. Then early afternoon while Josh and I were in Overton, Jeff texted me and asked when I was going to be home. I replied in a few minutes. He texted back with "cool". Josh and I came in and sat our McDonald's on the table and I was telling Jeff sorry that we didn't get him any but I didn't know he was home. He said that was OK because he wasn't hungry anyway. He was sitting at the desk and Josh and I started eating when Jeff says “I fell outta the back of a truck“. Josh jumped up immediately and ran over to him, it took me a minute to let it register then I went over to him too. He was pretty scratched up and his forehead had a big scrape. We asked him if he was alright and he said not really. I don't know why but I always ask "did you cry?" And he said "like a baby". And my big manly guy started crying again. I haven't seen him cry for years. We looked to see if his eye's were dilated, they were OK. His stomach hurt a little and he knew his name. I couldn't decide for sure if we should take him to the hospital or not so I called the local doctor to ask him. They said we should take him to Mesquite to the hospital. And I asked if they could just look at him first. They agreed then gave us an appointment to be seen in an hour. Which was a little strange, they just told me to take him to the hospital now they're making us wait! Rude. So we took him and the doc said he should get a cat scan. So off to Mesquite we went. Josh drove us and we met up with Eric. I was glad we went to the Dr first because we had an order for the cat scan and we didn't have to go through the ER. The scan took maybe two minutes. And of course they can't say anything to us, you have to wait for the Dr. We decided to eat at Del Taco. Jeff was just having a milk shake, he got some nice meds for his headache from the doctor. We were finishing up when the Dr. called to say that Jeff needed to go into St. George to have a neurologist look at him. The scan showed a large hematoma. Oh! We weren't expecting that at all. So trying not to get too excited we headed into St. George. This time we have to go through the ER. They do all the ER things, run a ton of tests and take 5 vials of blood. Then tell us that he needs to be seen by a neurosurgeon and they don't have one there. They were going to fly him into Las Vegas. But I guess a plane wasn't available so they rounded up a crew to take him in an ambulance. When they were telling us that, Jeff asked if his mom could ride along with him. Yay! He still needs me!
But oh dear! I got so car sick! I thought I was going to throw up the whole ride. Jeff slept most of the way. I thought we'd never get there but really it took less than two hours. ( Usually it takes a good two hours).
They took him right into the trauma unit. Scary! They took more blood and the dr. came right away. He checked him over, asked a ton of questions and said they would take another cat scan in the morning. If the cat scan showed the hematoma had grown they would need to operate. Very scary! In the bed next to Jeff with a curtain separating them we met Charley Green. Charley was not happy to be there. Charley said very unpleasant words, but most of the time you couldn’t understand him so I guess it was ok. We were very relieved to go upstairs. They took Jeff into the trauma I.C.U. My Goodness they take head injuries very serious. There we waited for Eric to arrive. Jeff's nurse was Rick. He was so nice and caring. Jeff was his only patient.
Rick had to replace all the I.V tubes, (he had one in each arm) and do all the necessary procedures. Then every hour he had to wake Jeff up and ask him questions to make sure he was coherent. At 6 a.m. they kick all visitors out till 9 a.m. for transition. It was very hard to leave! They were going to do the cat scan at 7 and I wanted to know the results right away. They are very strict about it though so Eric and I went to the cafeteria for some breakfast. We had some eggs and bacon, milk and juice. It cost us almost $10.00. Dang! For cold cafeteria food! We were wishing we had gone out! We waited the rest of the time in the I.C.U waiting room till 8:55 and at 9 they let us in. The Dr. had already seen Jeff and gone over the cat scan results. The hematoma was stable and he could go home under the condition that he be careful and not hit it again or do anything that would cause it to leak more blood.. What a relief!! He was ok. It took the rest of the morning to
get him released. They have to make sure you can eat, walk and sign your name. Then they have to unhook all the I.V's and go over everything for going home.(at least 10 times!).But it's ok because they told us many times how fortunate he was to even be going home. And we felt very blessed!
But now that we're home Jeff won't stay down! He was suppose to stay home from school for a week and not do anything for at least 6 weeks. He has to put up with me constantly asking how he feels, looking in his eye's and ear's and examining his wounds and measuring his head. He's so strong and hates staying down!
We pray that he'll be ok and the hematoma will heal. We love you Jeff!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Christmas 09 at Jaycie's

We left Jarah's house December 26th and drove to Provo to spend some time with Jaycie and Dallas and Ashton. Josh drove the whole way again. I can't say enough how much I appreciate him taking over like he did. He didn't have any experience driving in the snow or ice at all. And I know he was nervous and at times down right scared! But he drove like a professional. He was awesome!

When we got to Jaycie's, Ashton had to show us his new 4 wheeler. He loves it and had to show us all the bells and whistles. He was such a ham. One of our favorite things to do in Provo is go to D.I. They have a huge one! So after Josh got his hair cut we went over there and found a few treasures. I think everyone found at least one thing they couldn't live without.

We came back to Jaycie's and had yummy hot turkey sandwiches. Jaycie cooked her first turkey the day before and we got the leftovers. It was so tender and tasty. Good job Jaycie!

We spent time visiting and just hanging out, watching Ashton play. Then later that night Dallas invited us all out to dinner at the Golden Corral. Wow! What a treat. Thank you so much Dallas and Jaycie. It was great. And then later....

The game began! Oh my goodness! Eric, Jody, Jordan and Jeff learned how to play "The Settlers of Caton" with Dallas and Jaycie. This game is outrageous! I didn't want to play so I observed. It can turn sweet normal ordinary people into savages! You want to win, you have to win or you want to die! They played till 2 a.m.! And I think Jordan earned her victory! Geesh! I went to bed thankful that I chose not to play. I had fun playing blocks with Ashton and Jed instead.

In the morning we had pancakes, French toast, bacon and omelets. Then it was time for us to start heading home. We'd been gone almost a week. We said our good bye's and I love you's.

I want to Thank Jaycie and Dallas so much for such a fun time. It was great!

Christmas 09 at Jarah's

I just read my last blog. I promise to make them shorter. I rambled and skipped around too much! I'm still learning. I also left out things I wanted to say. I wanted to say more about Christmas with Jarah and her Family. I want to thank them for having us and doing so much to make us feel welcome. They were awesome! It's not easy to have 10 people invade your home unexpectedly. They bought a bunch of extra food and made sure we all had a place to sleep. Jarah tries so hard to make everything just right. She does a lot of little things that make a big difference. And Kalab is king at washing dishes and keeping things picked up. You guys go together perfectly!

It was fun waking up with Ava and Halley on Christmas morning. It's been awhile since we’ve had little ones to open Santa gifts with. Ava's favorite gift was a potty doll. I thought it was a little strange. A doll that has her own toilet and sink with sound affects and everything you need in the bath room. But she loved it and played with it all morning. She also got Barbie’s and books and clothes and other fun toys. It was so fun to watch her open gifts. Halley liked watching Ava open gifts too. She couldn't wait to get into all of it. Even though she got a lot of her own fun things. Including a little stuffed Pluto that she picked out herself at the store with Uncle Josh and me. I'm very happy that we had Christmas with the grandkids. We needed that kind of joy in our hearts that only little kids and Christmas can bring.

Everyone opened a gift or two. We managed to surprise a couple of the kids even though they went shopping with us. This Christmas was different from any other that we’ve had. My kids missed their friends and our traditional Christmas morning with grandma's cinnamon rolls, but despite everything we'd been through, they were still upbeat and happy. I love them so much!

Jarah made us a yummy breakfast, then the rest of the day we rested and visited. It was nice to recuperate a little after driving for so long and having so many different emotions. We couldn't decide on a movie to go watch so we didn't go anywhere. We played games and watched Christmas specials while Jarah and Jordan and Jed made hair bows. Then later we made a fabulous Christmas dinner with all the fixings. It was so good!

So even though we had just buried my mom and Jody wrecked his car and things seemed gloomy we really had a lot to be Thankful for. Jarah and her family were generous and loving. We're very grateful for everything they did for us. Families are great! Love you guys.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thanksgiving-Justin and Ashtons's birthday-My mom-and Christmas

My goodness! I'm really behind on blogging! I'll start with Thanksgiving. It was awesome that James and Charity were here, it was unexpected because I thought they were going to be in Idaho. It was a great surprise.

We were able to get my mom and bring her home for the day. She was doing so good. We spent it with Eric's family. I love love love his mom's turkey dressing! We had a feast. I'm not real fond of turkey though and I always look forward to the ham, but oh-oh we didn't have ham, it was ok though there was so much other good food. We had a good visit with Jody and baby Eric, James and Charity and Bryan and Kim and Eric's parents. My mom looked happy too. But soon she was ready to go home. So while we took her home the kids went to the high school to play soccer with Charity's family.

I wasn't in the mood for black Friday this year. We slept in instead.
Then later that day we went clay pigeon shooting with Charity's family. It was a ton of fun! What studly men we have! Charity and I even hit some clay pigeons. We were just as surprised as everyone else. Jordan doesn’t care to shoot guns very much. The noise gives her a big headache.
We went to church on Sunday then came home and had a big dinner with Eric's and Charity's families. Guess what we had? Ham! And leftover turkey. It was so good! James and Charity taught me how to cook ham with Dr.Pepper. Incredibly yummy! We had a good visit with everyone.

The next week we had a lot of fun with James and Charity. Monday James took the kids to Nellis Air force base. They were very impressed with the museum. Very cool! They love working out at the gym too. The rest of the week we were getting ready to go to Bryan Head and finishing up on secret Santa shopping.

Then Thursday we left for the mountains! It was so cold! We got there late Thursday night. We stayed in Dan and Rebecca's condo. (Eric’s cousin.) It's beautiful! They’ve recently remodeled and my goodness it's amazing! There's enough beds for everyone and the kitchen is huge. It's right next to the bunny hill so it's fun to watch people snowboard and ski.

We got up early on Friday because the kids didn't want to waste any time getting to the slopes. I was in charge of Friday breakfast and everyone wanted German pancakes. Yummy! The kids bundled up then off they went! Eric and I stayed in with Baby Eric and Charity. We played some games and made hot cocoa and lunch for everyone. (We knew they'd be cold when they came in.)

Saturday we slept in. Jarah was in charge of breakfast and she made biscuits with fruit and yogurt. It was good but you'd think my other kids never had biscuits without gravy before. They had to give Jarah a hard time about it. Saturday was spent playing in the snow, eating, visiting, playing games and going to the pool and hot tub. Jaycie, Dallas and Ashton came and soon we had a nice Thanksgiving dinner followed by a birthday celebration for Justin and Ashton and also a secret Santa exchange. My goodness! We sure know how to have fun.

Sunday Jaycie made some yummy oatmeal cake for breakfast then later Jody and Ornella made it up, I felt bad because we had to spend most of the day cleaning and packing things up to go home. We didn't get to relax and visit with them. I hope they had fun in the snow anyway.

Wrapping it all up I think fun was had by all. It's wonderful to spend time with the kids and grand kids.

December 20th. 2009
Sunday mornings are crazy around here. Everyone getting ready for church and trying to get out the door is hectic. With scriptures in hand and primary bag on my shoulders I was walking toward the door when the phone rang. I took the news calmly; I listened as the nurse from the nursing home said my mom had passed away at 8:30 a.m. She asked me a few questions then said she was sorry for my loss. I sat the phone down along with my scriptures and bag. I made my way to the rocking chair where I sat and began to cry. I didn't know I was going to take the news so hard. My mom had been sick for awhile and I knew she wasn't going to be around much longer. But at that moment right then I felt a wave of emptiness flow through me. So many emotions. Overwhelming sadness, much guilt for not being there as she passed, picturing her struggling to breath. Wondering how the kids are going to take it. Jeff and Jed had already gone to the church so Jordan texted Jeff and told him he needed to come home and to bring Jed with him. Then we all sat in the living room and cried together as a family. No wailing, just true sadness. Jordan opened her scriptures and began reading. It was good to be reminded that we'd see grandma again. We sat in silence for a time, and then Eric's parents and sister came over to give their condolences. And later the Bishop came also. Eric made all the calls to family for me. I couldn’t talk without breaking down. He was so good through it all; he was feeling his own grief. He was really close to mom and I know he was taking it hard too.

I can't explain why. But I wanted to have the funeral soon. Everyone said that they could make it on Wednesday the 23rd. So that’s what we planned for. We couldn’t have done it without Bryan Rebman, an awesome funeral home director here in Logandale. He walked us through the entire thing. We met with him on Monday. We went over details and made all the necessary arrangements. He let us take all the time we needed to pick out a casket. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. It was actually very serene and peaceful. I had a very special dress I wanted my mom buried in. Pure white and lovely.

That night Bryan suggested that we come spend some time with mom. At first I said I didn't think I wanted to but he said I should. I'm so thankful he did because it played a very important part of the grieving process for Eric and I. She was in the most beautiful room ever. Like being in the Temple. We slowly made our way to where she was laying. I don't have the words to explain what I was feeling at that moment. Her casket was white with gold accents. The lining was a light pink. When I looked at her I knew she was an angel. Her dress was perfect. They curled her hair and put a little makeup on her. I was amazed how at peace she looked. We spent a good hour just talking to her, I know she was there. I could feel her presence. That was our good bye.

The next few days are hazy. We left on Tuesday and drove the casket to Halfway, Oregon. We arrived Wednesday morning at 2 a.m. Tami, the funeral home director in Halfway was incredible. I have respect and admiration for people who operate a mortuary. She took over for us and we left for the motel to get a few hours of sleep.

My mom's sister Kricket and her husband Dail along with my mom's brother Bobby drove from Texas to attend her funeral. It took them 36 hours to make the drive. Jody, James and Charity, Jarah and Kalab and the girls, Jaycie, Dallas and Ashton all made the trip too. We appreciate them so very much. I know there were a lot of sacrifices made. The family met together for the viewing. It was an emotional time, most of us stood by mom for a moment to talk to her, to say good bye. Then we all reminisced and talked about the good times and the funny things mom did. There were a lot of tears but smiles too. I think she liked being the center of attention one last time. Again I felt her presence. I don't think she wanted us to be sad. It was good to visit with my sister Anitra and her son Ryan. But all too soon it was time to go to the funeral. It was held at the Baptist Church. The Pastor gave a nice service although we wished he had given our family time to talk. We felt a bit cheated. But not a big deal.

This is probably strange, but the best part was watching the pallbearers take my mom to her resting place. I loved watching these big strong men, dressed in their Sunday best, James in his handsome Air force suit carry very humbly and sternly the heavy casket to its vault. This does something for me. It makes my heart swell.

The Baptist church served us an incredible ham dinner. We were very thankful for their generosity. Everyone was wonderful. We were able to visit with the family for awhile. I got to know my aunt Kricket a little better. We have a lot in common. And I got to catch up with my sister. But all too soon it was time to say good night. Goodbyes are the worst.

Thursday December 24th, Christmas Eve.
We decided to take it slow on the way home from Halfway, even stopping by to say hi to some old friends. We missed the Phelps's in Adrian though. But it was fun to see the area. We stopped in Caldwell to say hello to our former neighbors the Norris's. It was a ton of fun to see the look on their faces when we knocked on their door. We had a nice visit with them.

We met up with Jarah and Kalab in Boise at the Boise Town Square mall. We ate dinner then realized the mall was going to close early. We rushed around to get the kids some Christmas gifts. It was crazy and fun at the same time. We were faced with the same thing at Wal- Mart; Christmas Eve is not a good time to go Christmas shopping. But after all we did find at least one gift for everyone to open Christmas morning.

James and Charity.
I want to include this about James and Charity and their trip to the funeral. Eric called James and let him know about his beloved grandma. He had a special bond with her. He was always gentle with her, always taking the time to talk to her and listen and laugh with her. James would sit with her and watch her old movies. Whenever it was time for him to leave he would look in her eyes and make sure she was looking at him and he'd tell her he loved her. Mom became very sick in July so James arranged a special leave to be with her. She had been unresponsive at the hospital but when James came in the room her face lit up and she told him hello. She continued to get better while he was there. Later in November James and Charity came home for Thanksgiving. Mom was doing so good that we were able to bring her home to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. She sat by James and he helped with her food in his kind and gentle way. Little did he know this would be his last visit with her.

Getting back to the phone call now. I'm not sure how it was taken, what was said or if he cried. I was too deep in my own sorrow at that time. But I know he was coming to say good bye to her no matter what stood in his way. I don't think getting another leave was a problem; the Air force is really good about that. James told us he tried to go to work the next day but through his grief he forgot to shave and take a lunch and he was sent home. Transportation was a problem. The Air force doesn't allow someone to drive a long distance while grieving. Understandable. So they had to find other means of getting to Halfway, Oregon. Halfway around the world it seems at times! Money was an issue because they had just been down for a visit, and finding someone to take care of Roku and Ammo was hard. Charity became frustrated and almost decided not to come. But because she is Charity, courageous and strong willed, she was able to work things out and make arrangements for them to get there on the train. (To fly was out of the question, too expensive!) They had to kennel Roku and Ammo which is also expensive. Like I mentioned before there were a lot of sacrifices made. The train took them to Pasco, Washington which left another 3 to 4 hour drive. They tried to make arrangements to rent a car but they would get there before the car rental opened and if they waited they would miss the viewing. So Jody and Justin volunteered to pick them up. We really appreciated them for doing that because it meant another 7 to 8 hours of driving and the roads were icy and it was very cold! We worried also because we knew Jody hadn't slept in a couple of days. Families are awesome and always there when you really need them.

We have a hard working guardian angel who watches over us and they made it to the family viewing just in time! I will remember the moment they walked through the door all my life. My heart fluttered when I saw James in his most handsome uniform and Jody and Justin all dressed in such handsome clothes and Charity was beautifully dressed. I was overwhelmed with awe, relief and gratitude. The next part of this story is mentioned earlier so I'll skip ahead to after the funeral.

Eric and I were getting ready to head out the door to take James and Charity back to Pasco. It was then that they realized they'd misread the train ticket. We only had scarcely 3 hours to get them to the train station. Panic set in! It was too much of a risk with the roads being bad to make the drive. So they needed to make new arrangements. They called the train station and the next available departure was the next morning. That meant that they'd be on the train all during Christmas. They asked how much the cancellation fee was and it was only 10% of the cost of the ticket. Not too bad so they decided to cancel it. Then they held their breath and started searching on line for plane tickets. And to our great surprise the tickets to fly home on Sunday morning where reasonable, as long as they wanted to fly out of Las Vegas. Yay! This meant that they could go to Logandale and have Christmas with Charity's family. Things were good. For awhile anyway.

Jody needed to get home also so he offered to take them to Logandale the next day. We spent the night in Halfway and left in the morning. I mentioned earlier in the first part of my story that those traveling with us took our time and did a little sight seeing. Jody, James and Charity left a little earlier than we did but they also took the long way home and drove through their old stomping grounds in Adrian, Oregon and Caldwell, Idaho. We all met later in Boise at the Boise Town Square mall. We ate dinner there and James tried to teach me how to use chop sticks. It was hopeless and confirmed, I would starve if I had to use them instead of forks. Hmm...maybe that would be a good diet for me.

It was time for Jody, James and Charity to get back on the road. They left while the rest of us stayed to do some Christmas shopping. We were only going as far as Pocatello. We had decided to have Christmas with Jarah and Kalab and the girls. Not long after they left though James called to say that they had run off the road near Rupert but that everyone was ok. Oh geesh! More challenges! They said the car was damaged and that they were taking it to a garage. Well it was Christmas Eve and nothing was open. Now what. They limped the car back to the out skirts of Twin Falls to a truck stop. That’s where we caught up with them. We stayed there for quite awhile trying to figure out what to do. Finely it was decided that Jody should leave his car there till after Christmas and he would have to rent a trailer to haul it home. Charity's sister was in Salt Lake and she offered to come get her and James from Pocatello then they would borrow a car to get from there to Logandale. My goodness! Remember what I said about family always being there when you need them? Everything would be O.K. And the next day they made it home (to Charity's family) for Christmas. Yay! We love you guys.
To be continued....

This picture is Josh driving in the snow! He didn't like it at all. He ended up driving the entire way there and back. Thanks Josh. I love you!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Shopping for Halloween costumes. Josh and Jaycie went for a ride on some ponies!

Jordan was a "not so" dead bride.

Shopping with our grandsons Ashton and Eric. We don't remember exactly what was said when Josh looked at us that way, something along the lines of he's next to get married and have kids.

Our beautiful daughters, Jordan16, Jarah 25 and Jaycie 22.

We went for a drive and had foil dinners one sunday afternoon. This one was Jordan's.


Jordan and Jeff, just having fun


If only they would always look this happy!

Happy Jeff!

Looky yonder!

Grandma Franklin sitting up and eating

We're so happy she's doing so good.